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HR Transformation

    10 Aug
    The Importance of Coaching and Mentoring in Todays World.

      Coaching and mentoring serve as vital processes fostering the realisation of peak potential for both managers and employees. A fundamental thread interconnects all forms of mentoring and coaching, functioning as a conduit for introspection, evaluation, and proactive steps, empowering individuals or clients to attain...

    07 Aug
    Unlocking Employee Potential: 10 Essential Strategies for Effective Motivation

      Employee motivation is the culmination of various elements, encompassing an employee's energy level, creativity, and dedication in the workplace. Throughout the years, organisations have consistently faced difficulties in discovering effective methods to inspire their workforce. Nevertheless, staff motivation stands as a pivotal factor, for...

    04 Aug
    Achieving Employee Succession Planning: A Comprehensive Guide for HR Professionals

    Succession planning constitutes a vital component of talent management, aimed at identifying and nurturing potential employees within an organisation. Its primary goal is to strategically fill critical positions whenever they become available or vacant. Over the years, succession planning has undergone constant evolution, adapting...

    Hr solution
    02 Aug
    Embracing HR Solutions: Wake up to a Brighter Workplace

    Shifting Beyond Spreadsheets Numerous organisations and individuals rely on spreadsheets to manage information, carry out specific processes, and perform calculations. Spreadsheets undeniably offer great utility—I, too, depend on them for various daily tasks and find them indispensable. They streamline my workflow, making work more manageable. Nevertheless,...

    27 Jul
    Company Culture Part 1: What really is workplace culture?

      To start, I’m going to ask you a personal question.   What’s your workplace culture like? Are you satisfied with it?  Is it really all it was made out to be? How do you leave your office in the afternoon? Content, buoyant and filled with verve...

    26 Jul
    A Productive State of Mind: Fostering Employee Happiness

    One of the common challenges faced by organisations is maintaining employee productivity. However, by making the right hiring decisions and investing in building strong relationships with employees, this challenge can be effectively addressed. Elevating the happiness levels of your workforce can significantly enhance their...

    19 Jul
    Redefining HR Decision Making: HR Dashboards

      Navigating the Demands of the Economic Landscape: Leveraging HRIS and Embedded Reports for Strategic Decision-Making   In the current economic climate, achieving tangible outcomes, showcasing value, and justifying decisions have become imperative. This presents HR professionals with an opportunity to elevate their role as strategic business...

    14 Jul
    Cultivating Empathy: A Pathway to Sustainable Success

    Drawing from my experience as a challenger, innovator, and leader throughout my career, I confidently assert that no single idea or business strategy possesses the profound impact that empathy brings. Empathy surpasses the realms of leadership, culture, innovation, and marketing, emerging as the fundamental...

    12 Jul
    Retain and Thrive: Insider Tips for Boosting Employee Retention

    If you find yourself constantly wondering why your employees are leaving and never returning, it may be time to reassess your approach to employee retention. The presence of a high employee turnover rate clearly indicates that there are issues that need to be addressed...

    05 Jul
    Unleashing Your Team’s Productivity Potential: Identifying Key Roadblocks

    Productivity stands as a critical factor acknowledged by every HR manager. However, maintaining this vital aspect often poses a formidable challenge. In an environment filled with countless distractions, it is a testament to progressive enterprises to not only recognise these impediments but also proactively...