
Employee Recognition Revisited: Tips for a great workforce

We know a manager’s role is rather complex, juggling many tasks. Still, there is one task that offers true insight and positive change, and that is employee recognition with continuous feedback. The team goes to great lengths to hone their skills and competencies; sometimes, all they need to know is, their efforts are noticed. The […]

Why Empathy Is the Most Important Trait Today

Reflecting upon my career as challenger, innovator & leader, I can safely say that no single idea or business strategy has generated the kind of power that empathy delivers. Empathy transcends leadership, culture, innovation and marketing, as the key driving force in today’s communications ecosphere. Whilst I recognise the concept of empathy might not align […]

Transaction to engagement: a new model for applications

We live in a very exciting time: we are witnessing the birth of a new nervous system for our planet. The convergence of information, mobile devices, social media and gamification is rewiring us into an infinitely personal and permanantly connected ecosystem. It is effectively humanising the web and shifting us from a network of transactions, […]