
Technology and innovation: Where to next?

High-performing companies take a deliberate approach to fostering a culture of creativity, imagination, and original thinking – and today’s technology has taken this process to a whole new level.  

Innovation in HR technology

There’s a complete revolution going on affecting our daily lives but it’s not on your desktop or laptop. In fact, the battle for the internet’s future is taking place on your tablet and smartphone. All the big players have woken up to this and are scrambling towards mergers and acquisitions in the name of market […]

The rise of the tablet

From the bedroom to the boardroom, to the highest office in government, the tablet is radically changing our relationship with technology and how we consume information. Characterised by its flick-of-the-finger ease-of-use, arresting visuals, and eternal connectivity, this devide is rapidly becoming the preferred tool for absorbing, presenting and communicating: but more importantly, it is the […]