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Author: Guest

    Professional Employer Organization (PEO)
    12 May
    What is a PEO? The solution to making your company great!

    What is Professional Employer Organization (PEO)? A Professional Employer Organization, or PEO, allows businesses to outsource their administrative needs to a third party that specializes in these duties. This can include (but is not limited to) managing human resources, taking care of payroll, overseeing workers’ compensation...

    How To Make Your Pre-Employment Screening Super Effective?
    04 May
    How To Make Your Pre-Employment Screening Super Effective?

    Recruiting new people to join your company comes with many responsibilities and umpteen factors which a hiring professional should be aware of. It is necessary to properly and completely know your prospective candidates before you even consider hiring them. Pre-employment screening tests are used primarily for...

    3 Ways To Improve Your Employee Onboarding Process
    22 Apr
    3 Ways To Improve Your Employee Onboarding Process (Guest)

    Whether you work in a big company or small, employee onboarding is a really important aspect of hiring. It’s not only there to make the new hire familiar with all the procedures you have, but also to make them comfortable working in the business. In...

    Get your team from under the radar to rockstars
    24 Nov
    How to Get Your Team From ‘Under the Radar’ to ‘Rock Star’

    By Cindy O’Dea Practical HR Strategies   Are your staff at work just for the free cupcakes? Is your team just ‘showing up’? Are you disappointed that you have team members who watch the clock, don’t show any initiative or who spend just enough time working to believe they...

    Are Electronic Systems the Future of HR?
    26 Oct
    Are Electronic Systems the Future of HR?

    Technology is now present in almost all walks of life, so can HR also benefit from the electronic phenomenon of modern society? The HR department has historically been associated with masses of paperwork and files. These records are vital for reference and are often subject to...

    How to Design HR Posters for Web & Print
    13 Oct
    How to Design Posters For Web and Print [Infographic]

    By Sara McGuire As an HR professional, your job probably doesn’t typically involve graphic design. Odds are you’ve had to create the odd poster or informational sheet, but that’s probably the extent of it. But more and more workplaces are requiring their team members to put on...