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HR Blog


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  • As June marches onwards, most of us will be shocked to realise we are already nearly halfway through the year. This doesn't mean we can turn our attention to next year, however, as there are still a number of developing trends for HR managers to...

  • Despite the best efforts of your HR team, some workplace policies are likely to be bent or broken by staff who aren't following the rules. Not everything employees do wrong is a major breach of conduct, however, with new research finding that staff and mangers are...

  • Businesses spend years crafting their brand's image and reputation, however, in the age of social media, this can all be lost in a heartbeat. Do you trust your employees with such a valuable and delicate aspect of your company? As the outward facing portion of your...

  • Every employee needs to be as effective as they can if businesses want to operate at full capacity. This allows all staff to feel valued while encouraging productivity and growth. However, this involves much more than just the personal side of a workforce, as available resources...

  • Health and safety practices are a vital part of any business, but how far do they extend? It's important to encourage healthy lifestyles at home and work....

  • Keeping employees engaged is one of the eternal struggles for HR managers, requiring a fine balance of rewards and encouragement. The rewards are worth it though, with engaged employees contributing much more to the workplace, in terms of productivity, safety and general culture. Speaking of rewards, these...

  • Night shift workers need special attention to ensure their schedules are not leaving them tired and worn out. Are your staff happy and healthy?...