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    bright ideas
    Master of Bright Ideas

    When it comes to innovation, are you a helicopter or a vending machine? One takes a holistic view, the other churns out tired ideas day in, day out. Iain Hopkins uncovers some tips to ensure your workplace is bursting with brilliant ideas.

    Technology and innovation
    Technology and innovation: Where to next?
    High-performing companies take a deliberate approach to fostering a culture of creativity, imagination, and original thinking – and today’s technology has taken this process to a whole new level.  
    marketing-board-strategy, HR technology
    Caveat Emptor… The Marketing of HR technology
    How many times have you heard "Technology X is going to…save money, add value, deliver competitive advantage? Is this a shiny promise? Exuberance? Or just plain hype? There’s no doubt technology is in constant state of flux; a new wave of technology appears before you’ve had time to evaluate the previous. What’s more, time between waves is getting shorter. In many cases, these shiny new terms are merely repackaged terms, presented to a new generation of thought & opportunity. So how do you recognise & translate industry buzz, into real world value?
    Get App and Go
    Get App and Go

    By: Iain Hopkins, Editor, HR Magazine

    HR, like so many other areas of business, is moving ‘on demand’ and becoming increasingly mobile. Human Capital looks at why this is happening and lists some of the best apps for HR professionals and recruiters.
    WageEasy Payroll Partner Profile

    As part of yet another Partner Profile for December 2007, we would like to introduce you to WageEasy, another of our integrated payroll providers. Melissa...

    Free e-learning
    In August 2011, Stanford University computer science professor Sebastian Thrun partnered with a group of colleagues and made a decision that would rock the learning fraternity. They decided to open their class to the world allowing anyone, anywhere to attend their course for free. There were no pre-requisites; they had tutorials, exams, and a final assessment. The announcement was made with a single email to a professional group. It was amplified on twitter and within hours 5,000 students signed up. Eventually, over 150,000 students enrolled in an online version of Stanford’s Introduction to Artificial Intelligence.
    Social Media Value Proposition
    Social media’s value proposition
    It’s very easy to be distracted by shiny new objects, especially if they are accompanied with the promise to radically change the way we work, play and love. But make no mistake; social media is facilitating one of the biggest mind shifts since the industrial revolution and it’s here to stay. It is also becoming the hottest topic in the corporate conversation as companies look for ways to innovate, motivate and drive competitive advantage.
    HR tech Innovation
    Innovation in HR technology

    There’s a complete revolution going on affecting our daily lives but it’s not on your desktop or laptop. In fact, the battle for the internet’s...

    hr tablet
    The rise of the tablet
    From the bedroom to the boardroom, to the highest office in government, the tablet is radically changing our relationship with technology and how we consume information. Characterised by its flick-of-the-finger ease-of-use, arresting visuals, and eternal connectivity, this devide is rapidly becoming the preferred tool for absorbing, presenting and communicating: but more importantly, it is the facilitating the liberation of staff from their desks, with the ability to work effectively and securely, wherever they are.