You operate in the field of human resources and wonder how Enterprise Content Management (ECM) technology can help you in your day to day tasks? You’re in the right spot! Read on to learn more about HR content management its benefits.
The HR function relies a lot on both documents and workflows to operate. When your objective is to recruit the best candidates to help your company achieve its organisational goals and objectives, the last thing you need is having to chase down paper forms and files!
What is a HR Content Management Solution?
Enterprise content management consists in managing electronically the whole set of content produced by your organisation. A content management system is an online application that streamlines the processes related to content creation and management.
Application forms, resumes, paperwork, policies are among some of the most common types of content a HR professional would need to record and store. An ECM would therefore act as a collaborative tool to facilitate HR operations with the view to maximise HR productivity. HR content management solutions come in many forms, but regardless, content management allows you to better manage your employees and the positions they are responsible for, organise your files more efficiently, protects your documents against theft, water damage or fire, and reduces costs related to online archiving, etc.
Time Gains, Cost Reductions & More
You will have understood by now that content management ultimately allows a business to maximise its resources by saving time and increasing productivity. On the long run, those time savings convert to money savings which in term increase profits for you and your organisation.
In addition to these benefits, streamlining your document management processes online will result in a reduction of paper usage and an increased transparency of your HR policies and documents. HR content is available at anytime and your employees get access to the latest version, thus increasing compliance.
Content Management & HR
As a HR professional, you’re in charge of managing the human capital of your enterprise. Your mission is to administer efficiently your resources and bring your HR capital to its full potential in order for your organisation to yield the maximum output possible. To help you with this great task, content management will represent a precious ally. Let’s see how this continuous business improvement process can help your increase productivity.
Document & Policies Management
Throughout the years, it’s possible that your have accumulated a considerable quantity of unstructured content such as new-hire forms, training videos sitting on usb drives, test or questionnaire responses, emails and other miscellaneous documents linked to the recruitment process or the evaluation of your employees. Over time, this aggregation of unorganised files can be noxious to the growth of your organisation.
In fact, those resources, which could normally be utilised to improve your knowledge of your human capital or its performance, are sleeping away haphazardly at the bottom of a drawer, awaiting to be brought back to life. HR content management allows you to execute a task that would have normally taken days for you to complete in just a few minutes.
An integrated document management platform such as EmployeeConnect enables you to organise your HR files effectively, digitalise your HR content and manage a variety of content to maximise and develop your human resources.
How to choose your document management solution?
Complete HRIS platforms like EmployeeConnect allow you to manage your HR documents and policies the smart way. Here are the three main elements you should look for in your document management solution:
- Security: HR documents should be stored online in a secure database to protect your brand from potential data breaches. You should also be able to determine the user-defined security access within the setup of your CMS.
- Need Fulfilment: A new system should be easy to use to make it easily adoptable as part of your day-to-day employees’ routine. It should also respond to your current business needs. Does it bring an adapted response to your current business challenges?
- Integration: your HR document solution should allow you to maintain the integrity of your current business processes. Check whether your CMS has the ability to encompass those processes from simple to more complex workflows.