While each industry will have its own unique requirements for employees, there are some skills across the board that most employers desire.
On top of this, there are also some skill sets employers are struggling to secure, creating a competitive job market as businesses fight secure top talent. HR management software can help to identify these areas where a sustained effort is needed, either in recruitment or training, to ensure your business has the talent it requires to stay competitive.
What skills are employers struggling to secure?
According to Hays, many businesses across Australia are suffering a skills shortage. More than half (57 per cent) of the affected companies believe this shortage will put a dampner on their ability to operate as intended.
The survey identified a range of roles that employers have highlighted as being particularly difficult to recruit for. Hays found that 15 per cent of businesses were struggling to hire entry level and middle management operations staff.
The second hardest skill set to secure, the survey found, was for accounting and finance. Around 14 per cent of all respondents observed difficulty in this area.
According to Managing Director of Hays Australia and New Zealand Nick Deligiannis, the fact that more than a third (36 per cent) of the businesses surveyed are looking to hire in the next year will add a further challenge.
“The welcome increase in permanent hiring is further adding pressure to the delicate demand and supply balance,” he explained.
Hays also discovered that employers are pursuing unique methods to secure the talent they require to remain competitive. Just under two-thirds (62 per cent) of employers caught in these situations will consider sponsoring a candidate from overseas. Some are even counter-offering staff when they make the decision to resign, but this is only returning a 57 per cent success rate.