Welcome back to EmployeeConnect’s The Week of HR Series! Just so that you are kept in the loop, every week we give you the best content on all related to HR! This week, we look beyond the title and look at what it takes to be a great HR Manager. The below articles have been curated by hand to cover the pivotal aspects to being a HR manager – from being not just a manager but a coach and mentor to the right skills needed to drive performance. We hope you enjoy the read:

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COACHING & MENTORING – Australian Managers must become coaches to boost productivity

After observational analysis, lack of communication between employer and employee is what detriments growth and development, which creates performance. 88% of Australian employees as highlighted by the Financial Review seek and expand career development opportunities with the aid of work and the opportunities it presents. Understand in this read that being a coach to your employee is the new pursuance for engaging in gaining performance.

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COACHING & MENTORING – Coaching and mentoring hold benefits for all in workplace

With the analysis of a business strategist, we undergo what makes a successful business leader. The differences between a coach and a mentor are examined with which one is ideal to adopt when engaging with your employee. Know what the fine lines between the two are and build your confidence as a leader to example. Be the one to clarify goals, incorporate coaching tools to manage staff to pursue professional development.

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LEADERSHIP SKILLS – Should HR focus more on soft skills?

It will only take you five minutes to understand the pivotal importance of having soft skills to be the ideal leader. Make an example for your employees to see and understand you and your organisations’ goals on a deeper level.  As identified by CEO of Hays, technical skills and qualifications can be taught but to drive impact will involve having the right skills to communicate properly with your team. Know the importance of understanding to engage in what your employee says to respond and see positive results.

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PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT – Performance Reviews: will machines replace managers?

In this read, assess the before and afters of reviewing your employees’ performance. What is now surfacing is letting workers’ be autonomous whilst setting objectives, organising, motivating and communicating along the way.  The paradigm of monthly/annually performance reviews are drawing to an end as new ways to spark performance are sought – whilst keeping managers.

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Thanks for reading! If you have any comments or tips you’d like to share please let us know.

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