Chief Information Officers (CIOs) are being called to foster innovation as it starts to play a greater role across companies. According to an IDC survey, those working alongside CIOs are increasingly viewing them as innovation officers.

One way to incorporate innovation in the workplace is through a well-managed Human Resource Information System (HRIS).

Is the role of the CIO evolving?

A recent IDC study indicated that the role of the CIO is evolving amidst various modern challenges. This includes increased pressure to reduce costs while still innovating.

The survey, The Changing Role of IT Leadership: CIO Perspectives for 2016, the way that CIOs are viewed is evolving. According to the results, 40.7 per cent of CIOs view themselves as operational while only 25.3 per cent see themselves as innovation officers.

However, the line of business (LOB) viewpoints differed. Out of the LOB respondents, 40.0 per cent saw their CIO as an innovation officer with only 27.5 per cent seeing their CIO as operational.

Vice President of Research for Enterprise Mobility in IDC’s IT Executive Program Mike Jennett explained the importance of innovation in the workplace.

“CIOs who stay operational will find themselves further marginalized over the next three years,” Mr Jennett said.

“For these executives to stay relevant, they must shift their focus to transformation and innovation and incorporating those innovations into their stable infrastructures. ‘Just keeping the lights on’ will lead the business to find other sources for technology leadership and innovation.”

With CIOs increasingly being viewed as innovation officers, having the right software to streamline tasks can help drive digital transformation. One such area is the human resources (HR) department and HR consulting.

Through the right HRIS, CIOs can enhance the flow between IT and HR. In this way, CIOs can use HR management software to boost innovation, a key driver in today’s economy.

Government encourages innovation

The federal government has also expressed a push for innovation, with the launch of the National Innovation and Science Agenda in December last year. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull announced the package and encouraged all businesses to embrace new forms of technology to boost innovation in Australia.

“Companies that embrace innovation, that are agile and prepared to approach change confidently and with a sense of optimism are more competitive, more able to grow market share and more likely to increase their employment,” said Mr Turnbull.

Using HR management software can be the innovation your organisation needs and help ease the pressure on CIOs through enhancing the organisation of administrative tasks.