Choosing a successor is a process that many managers will find themselves tasked with at some point – and it’s not always easy to achieve. After all, you will want to appoint someone with the necessary skills and company knowledge to drive the business forward, which is why an internal candidate could be the right option.

There are several advantages to looking inside an organisation for a new manager, so we’ve put together some of the most compelling.

1. They know how the company works

Recruiting from outside brings with it a number of risks, with one of the most prominent being that they won’t know your organisation inside out. Finding your successor internally means you can rest assured that they will understand your company, as well as what’s needed to move it in the right direction.

2. You can have a hand in training them

An internal successor will also be available for training before the handover takes place. You won’t have to worry about external candidates waiting out their notice period before they can join your company, instead you can get to work on showing them the ropes straight away.

3. Demonstrating career progression

Other members of staff will be buoyed at the prospect of being able to move forward in their careers. Internal promotions demonstrate that there are future opportunities available, which is more likely to encourage them to stay on board.

4. Ensure your company vision is maintained

People who have been managing an organisation for a number of years are likely to have some idea of which direction they want it to head in, but would an external successor continue with this? While an internal candidate might have their own ideas, they’re also going to be more inclined to follow the path you’ve already started on, which can give greater peace of mind.

Are you planning on finding your next successor? Enlist the help of HR management software to aid the decision making process.