A job description may be used for a variety of purposes, and therefore quite important to get right. A job description is essentially a statement that will outline the job as well as the condition under which the job will be performed. Job descriptions are essential, providing an overall summary of the tasks and responsibilities of a job, they both assists managers as well as employees to understand exactly what is required of them in that specific role. A good job description can have a vast impact on your workplace. Before we explore how to write a job description let’s explore the benefits of a well written job description. This will also perhaps provide further context as to what must be included in a well written job description.
5 Benefits of a well written Job description
- Attract the right person for the job: A well written job description will more likely attract top talent and the right person for the job. By creating a job description which clearly outlines the qualification and responsibilities of the job will also deter anyone who isn’t qualified to apply. This will result in reduced time to recruit as you will not have to weed through as many applicants if a generic job description was posted.
- Staff Development: A well written Job description will assist existing employees and managers to better develop their employees. It makes it easier to identify skill gaps and assign training as well as identifying employees to promote and fill more senior job vacancies.
- Staff retention and job satisfaction: It is extremely important to be clear on what is required of an employee in their position. Misleading job descriptions will make your employee feel like they have been deceived. This can cause multiple issues at work and can ultimately result in your employee resigning. On the flip side accurate job descriptions will ensure employees know what they are agreeing to and will result in loyalty towards to company if their expectations have been met.
- Measure Performance: a well written job description will act as a tool to measure performance. Job descriptions include the job responsibilities, competencies and expectations. This will allow you to measure accurately whether an employee is underperforming or exceeding expectations.
- Ensure compliance regarding terminations: Although not a situation any business wants to be in it must be addressed. Even with a well written job description an organisation may engage in a bad hire. In this unfortunate scenario a well written job description will assist the organisation to terminate someone and remain complaint. If the hire hasn’t met the expectations outlined in the job description along with other necessary documentation such as performance reviews and performance improvement plan it will serve to supplement this documentation in the unfortunate event of a termination.
6 tips to write a well written Job Descriptions
- Provide a Company Overview: It is extremely important to provide a company overview which promotes the organisation. A well written company description will attract the best talent. This is an opportunity to sell your organisation to applicants applying for the role. It is also important to promote the company accurately, if there are certain expectations set for the candidate they must be met.
- Use clear language: Using clear and appropriate language is essential to writing a quality job description. Only use jargon if it is applicable to the role that you are recruiting for, otherwise ensure to use clear concise and direct words.
- Accurate job titles: make sure you job titles are specific. Generic job titles aren’t as effective as you aren’t accurately describing the role.
- Set realistic expectations: It is important to be clear about what is expected of your candidates. Ensure that what you are asking for is reasonable given the position level and the type of employment. As well as setting realistic expectation from the candidate’s perspective as recruitment is two-way street.
- Qualifications and skills: Ensure to include a concise list of qualifications and skills which are required and preferred. There may be certain non-negotiable certifications and education required for the role. There are also soft skills which may see certain candidates excel in the roll. It is important to clearly outline relevant qualifications and skills.
- Outline responsibilities and duties: Probably the most important component to a well written job description it to be able to accurately list the responsibilities and duties of the role. The most effective way to clearly outline responsibilities and duties is to split this section into three components. Firstly, outline the main responsibilities of the position. That is a big picture overview of what is included in the role and the expected outcomes. Secondly outline the day-to-day tasks of the role, this provides the candidate with the information required to understand what they are doing on a day-to-day basis. Lastly, list the impact this position has on the organisation. These three points will allow the candidate to conduct an accurate assessment on whether this is the right role for them.