Whether it be looking into HR Software Australia, HR Software America or even HR Software Worldwide it is extremely critical to know what to look for in your HR software solution. A great HR software will effectively consist of a variety of tools and capabilities that all aim to reduce the pressure placed upon the HR department and further effectively ensures HR can work towards both organisational goals and success.
Specifically, HR software is a digital tool that allows HR professionals to effectively optimize and manage a variety of key HR tasks, resources and overall HR goals for any business. Moreover, HR software provides HR managers with a greater management system that will effectively remove any unnecessary and time-consuming business activities, both freeing up time and effectively improving business productivity. EmployeeConnects HR Software Australia does all this and more! If this is something you need click here to request a demo!
Often HR managers whether that be in small businesses or large businesses will look to a HR solution that has powerful applicant tracking systems, reliable employee self-service availability, able to capture key employee data and KPI relevant to the business and further moves HR operations towards a paperless HR task completion storing relevant data all online accessible at real-time.
Likewise, throughout this blog, we have discussed the main features to look for in a HR software solution to ensure your business finds the best HR software to assure organisational operational success.
Engagement Tools
Employee engagement is of critical concern to all HR managers, this is largely due to common HR findings that when employees are engaged at work, they are increasingly more satisfied and productive, leading to organisational success. Likewise, HR managers must find HR software solutions that not only help reduce the overall pressure in common tasks but assist managers in achieving employee engagement.
It is important to find a HR Software that provides effective data capture tools, commonly through providing an easy HR solution to sending both traditional and pulse surveys out to employees. A great HR solution goes further creating automated dashboards based on data captured through HR professionals chosen indicators. This allows for management to assess the level of employee engagement throughout the organisation and assist in effective decision making.
EmployeeConnects HR Software Australia does all this ensuring that employees are satisfied, higher retention, increased profitability, reduced absenteeism and stronger employee loyalty are all achieved throughout the organisation.
There is a large range of HR tools that are commonly utilised, be it through HR and payroll, HR and social media or even HR and recruitment advertising it can be commonly found that HR teams today will utilise multiple tools outside of one standard tool. HR technology aims to make any HR professionals life incredibly easier.
This is achieved through integration. A great HR Solution offers a wide range of integration availability and further integrates to the tools you utilise. EmployeeConnects HR Software Australia integrates with a wide range of integration partners and tools such as Xero, MYOB, Seek, KeyPay and Sage to name a few.
Through these integrations, HR managers are able to eliminate unnecessary double entries of data and avoid large unnecessary paperwork through a simple HR software that meets HR needs.
Employee Self Service (ESS)
HR managers are constantly challenged to increase efficiencies and further provide better employee services throughout their everyday business life. To manage and effectively lessen the burden placed upon HR managers, effective HR software solutions have designed ESS allowing employees to perform a number of tasks by themselves.
This includes employees updating personal information at ease such as personal details, banking details, tax and super information, passport and visa details, licences, necessary trained skills (such as CPR, first aid courses completed). Moreover, employees are able to utilise self-service to make leave requests, company reimbursement claims and further expense claims to be reviewed and either accepted or denied.
EmployeeConnects HR Software Australia provides employees with an ESS that does all this and more! Ensuring that HR managers are able to free up time and allow employees to complete tasks that will be captured all online in the cloud.
Business today is commonly seen as a fast-paced environment, likewise, we are all on the go and constantly connected to work wherever we go. Having access to your HR data is extremely important anywhere you are. In turn, finding a HR software solution that offers access anywhere is critical.
EmployeeConnects HR Software Australia solution provides HR professionals with a free mobile app to access their cloud-based solution anywhere they are. Moreover, the mobile app offered by EmployeeConnect allows employees to have access to key ESS activities that HR managers find important for employees to access on the go.
Recruitment and Onboarding Tools
Critical to a lot of HR professionals are effectively finding tools that can help reduce the pressure and effort in recruitment and onboarding work. Likewise, finding a HR software solution that has the right tools throughout recruitment and onboarding is essential.
HR professionals should find a HR software that allows for applicant tracking, reviewal of candidate’s information and progress throughout every stage of the candidate funnel and further streamlines repetitive tasks throughout both recruitment and onboarding to name a few.
Effective HR software during recruitment and onboarding will avoid double entry and provide HR departments with key customisable dashboards that fit the organisational needs to assess critical information to make important decisions throughout both employee recruitment and onboarding stages.
Top Level Security
Throughout most activities that HR professionals undertake they are dealing with highly sensitive information such as employee payroll data including banking details and personal information which is extremely confidential. Likewise, it is important for HR to ensure that this data doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.
Likewise, HR software is designed to be extremely well protected! It is important to find a software that assures the highest level of security. EmployeeConnects HR Software Australia is well secured and has been assured on many levels that data is extremely confidential and protected.
Provides Workflow Management
It is critical to ensure that the HR software solution you pick provides your organisation with a workflow management tool that will help improve the overall productivity of the business. Specifically, through workflow management tools HR professionals may easily select who they may need to sequentially notify through the task process to meet end goals. For example, automation throughout the recruitment process may be achieved.
Simply, HR managers may select who to notify after a certain action has been completed (such as notifying selected managers once an offer had been sent), scheduling what happens next in a workflow order to ensure that the overall process and task is completed at ease avoiding delays and ensuring if there is an error, each individual throughout the workflow process could be held accountable.
EmployeeConnects HR Software Australia provides HR managers with workflow management tools to effectively increase productivity, eliminate human error, enhance communication, remove unnecessary paperwork and further assure accountability.
Meets Your Current and Future Needs
It is important to ensure that when deciding on what HR software solution you need to assess what your current business needs are and future needs may be. You should pick a HR software that will offer you the ready tools to meet HR tasks today although, if needed may implement more tools in the future as your business and HR team grows.
EmployeeConnects HR Software Australia allows HR managers to pick what tools they need in the current HR software they want to run, avoiding any unnecessary HR modules the company feels they may not utilise. Although if in the future HR decides they want to add another module that they previously didn’t need into the system it may easily be done.
To learn more on how EmployeeConnects HR Software Australia meets your HR needs and find out the wider range of features that EmployeeConnect offers request a free demo now!