As Australians become more technology savvy, increasing numbers are using their smartphones and tablets to search for new jobs.

According to a recently released survey by recruitment firm Hays, the most popular device for finding a new job is still the desktop (73 per cent). A total of 25 per cent of Australian respondents indicated that they use a desktop computer and mobile devices, while 2 per cent only search for jobs on a smartphone.

One of the main reasons why job seekers still prefer the desktop to search for roles is because computers have a larger screen, a keyboard attached and can have easy access to files and documents such as CVs.

However, Managing Director of Hays in Australia and New Zealand Nick Deligiannis explained that smartphones are growing in popularity due to the fact that people can search for jobs from anywhere in the world.

Mr Deligiannis said it is now time for businesses to meet this increasing demand and ensure that their website or job listings can be viewed on a mobile device.

“Furthermore, many job seekers are deterred from applying for a job if a company’s career site or job listings are not mobile optimised,” he stated.

While there are many candidates who prefer to stick to regular technology such as the desktop computer, the trend is definitely shifting and businesses can’t afford to ignore this talent.

“Once job seekers believe it is no longer difficult to apply for jobs on a mobile device, searching and applying for jobs on a smartphone is likely to become the new normal,” Mr Deligiannis said.

Recruitment is a key part of any business. This is why it makes sense to install HR management software that can tracking applications and jobs and ensure that the system is as easy to navigate as possible.