
Performance Appraisal Guiding Principles.

Performance appraisal is a topic which every organisation whether it is private or public speaks about a lot, yet it is a topic which makes managers and supervisors pull their hair apart and employees on the other hand experience a range of feelings such as fear to mental eye-rolling. Different organisations tackle performance appraisal in different […]

How to Identify and Manage Employee Burnout in Your Workplace

What is Employee Burnout Employee burnout is an important issue which is still not being spoken about or dealt with enough. Despite the media making claims frequently that the job market is improving, they type of jobs that are coming up are still leaving people in a stressed out state. The need to relax goes […]

What Is Performance Appraisal?

The performance appraisal definition can vary tremendously depending on the organisation and how much weight managers and executives give to the process. The generic performance appraisal definition is that the process involves the systematic evaluation of employee performance. Advanced organisations carry these evaluations further by using them to identify candidates for skills development, succession planning, […]

Tips For Managing Difficult People.

Had management been easy, it would not have earned such a high standard within a corporate environment. There will always be a mix of some people who are difficult to manage compared to others. Some may be talented but not collaborative, while some may be collaborative and not highly talented. With such a varied mix […]

The Powerful Impact of Aligning Organisational Goals to Strategic Objectives

For any small and mid-scale organisation, the employees are its biggest line item expense and of course the organisation’s most valuable assets. In other words, a company’s productivity and profitability largely depend on the performance of its employees and organisational goals and strategic objectives. Studies have proved that there is a significant increase in both business […]

Benefits of a Learning Management System (LMS)

If you are toying with the idea of whether or not to opt for a Learning Management System (LMS), then you need to be aware that hundreds of thousands of organisations who have made that very crucial decision, have had to deal with similar analysis which you are probably presently going through. However, the good news […]

Building Effective Problem Solving and Decision Making Skills

The standard approach that people tend to follow especially when they are under the gun, feeling stressed is to usually react with a decision which had worked previously. While this may work, however, there is a high probability of you getting stuck in a circle of solving the same problem again and again. Hence, it is […]

The Secret To Selecting and Measuring Key Employee Performance Metrics

Measuring critical employee performance metrics offers organisations key benefits for attracting and retaining top talent while meeting operational imperatives. The primary benefits of employee performance metrics are tied to fostering better employee engagement, which enhances productivity, innovation, creativity, employee loyalty and longevity. In the past, companies usually measured employee engagement by analysing turnover rates. Unfortunately, […]

Bad Work Habits That Can Cost You Your Job

Having bad work habits is not an abnormal thing! In fact, we all do have some bad habit or the other. Although having bad habits does not label a person on being ‘terrible’, it does reflect badly upon an individual when it comes to his professional life and may even cost him or her the […]

Performance Management Automation

The secret behind an organisation achieving a greater level of success is its robust performance management. It includes the various processes that it puts into place in order to measure and reward the effort of its employees for meeting and exceeding the expected goals. The key to your organisation outperforming your competitors is to improve […]