
Further improvements in business sentiment

Firms throughout the country are looking forward to a more optimistic future, as confidence levels improve across the nation.

Business confidence takes a tumble

Companies across Australia continued to face difficulties last month, as confidence levels reached their lowest level since June, Roy Morgan reveals.

Mixed business reactions as Christmas approaches

Many of the nation's businesses are concerned about what the final weeks of 2014 might have in store, a survey from the ACCI has indicated.

Virgin introduces unlimited leave policy

Virgin has revealed its workers will no longer be restricted to a set amount of annual leave and can take as much or as little as they please.

Queensland celebrates workplace safety record

Queensland has made significant progress with its workplace safety record, with both fatalities and injuries falling across the state.

Social intelligence is an important skill for employees

A quick response to changes in social situations has been linked to improved outcomes in personal and business relationships in a new study.

How to Work with Millennials

Millennials will make up the majority of the Australian workforce by 2020 and this will impact on the way businesses engage with employees.

Could your workplace benefit from Tabless Thursday?

Multitasking can slow down productivity rather than increase it. One way to minimise the distractions of the internet is Tabless Thursday.

Are your emails causing disharmony in the workplace?

Emails are the most common form of communication in a workplace. It is important, therefore, staff know how to write clear, concise emails.

Victoria invests in vocational skills

The Victoria State Government will invest $1.2 billion in funding vocational based learning to develop skills needed in the local workforce.