EmployeeConnect HR Blog - EmployeeConnect HRIS
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HR Blog


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  • In the realm of business operations, few undertakings rival the time-consuming and financially demanding process of recruitment. This intricate task places a significant onus on managers and organisations as a whole, underscoring the paramount importance of retaining existing talent. The crux of this challenge...

  • Incorporating a robust HR system alongside a compliant payroll system and leveraging EmployeeConnect's exceptional customer service can significantly enhance your organisation's compliance assurance. When these two critical components work in harmony, they become a formidable force against regulatory pitfalls. EmployeeConnect's experts ensure that your systems...

  • Forward-thinking business and thought leaders are increasingly recognising that payroll processing goes beyond transactional accuracy and plays a pivotal role in achieving strategic business goals. The integration and streamlining of strategic payroll processes not only save costs but also empower employees and identify opportunities...

  •   This paper explores the pivotal role of risk management within the realm of governance. While change management has been a primary concern for HR professionals, especially in the context of post-COVID-19 scenarios, it is equally critical to underscore the importance of risk management in...

  • The enhancement of employee engagement and overall organisational performance is significantly influenced by personal growth and development. A strong connection exists between individual advancement and the retention of employees. The retention of staff stands as a crucial and continuous preoccupation for virtually all employers....

  •   Our journey through life comprises a collection of moments that contribute to forming either negative, positive, or neutral memories. Each of these instances holds the power to create a lasting imprint on our minds, shaping our overall perception of the experiences as either favourable...

  •   What words would you use to describe your office? Ergonomic, functional, practical? What about sensuous, pleasing, pleasurable? They're not typically words we’d ascribe to our offices. No, offices for the most part aren’t particularly exciting to the senses. In fact, they are a place where...

  • Strategic Human Resources (HR) plays a pivotal role in advancing innovation within companies, especially in startups. This department assumes the responsibility of overseeing and nurturing an organisation's talent pool and cultivating its cultural environment. By doing so, it facilitates the development of innovative capacities...

  •     In times of pressure and stress, individuals commonly resort to a default strategy, often choosing a decision that has proven effective in the past. While this tactic can yield results, it carries a significant risk of trapping one in a cycle of repeatedly addressing...