In today’s ever-changing business environment, the importance of employee engagement has stood as an extremely valuable asset that all businesses wish to achieve. Specifically, when an organisation does not promote positive influences upon the engagement level of an employee and further the employee is forced to engage in an environment that is extremely negative, with poor development opportunities, poor communication or even high task difficulties the business is negatively impacting themselves.
It becomes largely essential managers carefully identify the variety of employee engagement killers that will negatively reduce employee engagement within the organisation and aim to work towards promoting positive employee engagement. In turn, here are eight different employee engagement killers that managers need to fix.
Poor Leadership
Leaders are essential in ensuring that employees are engaged, positive and feel included within the business. When a leader is largely negative and does not effectively lead their team, it can harm the individuals surrounding them and further the entire business. Moreover, poor leadership may negatively influence the mental health of an employee who is not finding they are supported, this, in turn, causes a loss in employee morale and will cause employees to become increasingly disengaged whilst at work.
Lack of Communication
Communication is extremely vital in ensuring that employees within an organisation are managed effectively. When a lack of effective communication is presented within the organisation employees will lose the essential ability to express their thoughts and receive and give information to others. This means that the positive benefits of communication such as being a resource of information, helping in socializing, promoting motivation and further controlling process within the organisation are essentially being lost. In turn, with a lack of communications employees will likely become disengaged when working.
Irrelevant Training
Training is highly important in ensuring that employees are progressing within the organisation with the correct skills and knowledge required. Although when employees are given irrelevant training to the work that they are completing, employees may begin to feel that management is ignoring the role that the employee plays within the organisation. Moreover, if this irrelevant training is provided to new onboarding employees, they may not understand the true expectations of the organisation which may lead to a respective increase in employee turnover. In turn, irrelevant training will cause employee engagement to likely decrease which is extremely negative for an organisation.
Not Showing Recognition
Recognition is extremely valuable to employees within a business organisation to stay highly engaged. When an employee not shown recognition for achieving extremely difficult goals or completing largely hard tasks they will begin to feel as though the organisation does not appreciate the work they have completed. In turn, this will cause a. negative impact on the working ability of the employee and motivation level to try and work to the best of their ability as no one shows appreciation to the employee. In turn, it is essential to ensure recognition is shown to employees or else employees will become disengaged.
Unreasonable Deadlines
Deadlines are extremely important to be carefully considered by management to ensure your employees stay engaged. When a deadline is largely unreasonable and employees feel extremely pressed for time, employees are likely to feel unmotivated and underappreciated for the work they are completing within the organisation. Specifically, when an unreasonable deadline is presented to the employee it will negatively influence the mental health of the employee as they will have to work extremely fast to complete the task at hand. Moreover, the employee will begin to feel disengaged as they are not able to work to the best of their ability due to the tight deadline given.
Disregarding Employee Personal Health
Employees personal health is largely important to ensure that they stay engaged within the organisation. Specifically, when an employee is pressed for time on work activities, is negatively recognised, is unhappy with the environment they work in, a negative impact on the employees’ health may be received. The employee may begin to feel stressed, gain anxiety and even become depressed when working for the organisation. Moreover, if management ignores the warning signs of the employee not feeling well, they may become worse and begin to experience burnout. Likewise, a respective disengagement of the employee is likely to occur whereby the employees will notice that their personal health has been disregarded by work.
Not Providing the Path of Career Growth
Employees are largely engaged when an organisation is providing them with an effective and clear pathway for growing their careers. Specifically, this is where an employee is given the tools, knowledge and skills to effectively aim to grow their career to the next level they wish to attain. When management does not provide this to employees, employees are likely to begin to feel disengaged. This is due to employees feeling that their career is going to be stagnant when working for the organisation they are currently in.
Poor Workplace Culture
Finally, workplace culture is largely essential to ensuring that employees stay highly engaged within the organisation. Workplace cultures that are largely healthy and highly supportive are extremely critical in keeping employees engaged. Although when the workplace culture is extremely poor and the employees feel that the organisation disconnects to the positive culture an employee wishes to receive, the employee will begin to feel extremely disengaged whilst at work. In turn, it becomes extremely critical for managers to ensure that they build and communicate an extremely positive workplace culture that is aligned with the values of employees to keep employees highly engaged.